Kumi receives 50, 0000 doses of FMD Vaccine

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Kumi district Veterinary team has embarked on vaccination of cattle against Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). This was after the district received 50, 000 doses from Ministry Of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries in response to an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in the district.The vaccination exercise was launched by the Resident District Commissioner, Kumi on June 06th, 2024 and is expected to be completed by June 28th 2024. Dr, Harriet Nakanwagi, District Veterinary Officer says that the exercise will first target the lower Administrative Units of Ongino, Mukongoro, Kadami, Tisai and Nyero Town Council were cases of FMD were first reported and later on roll out to other places. In November, 2024, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries placed quarantine in kumi district after over 120 animals got sick with Foot and Mouth diseases. This was to help curb the spread of the diseases. This however affected the district in terms of reduction of local revenue, access to animal products, high treatment cost faced by the farmers.Dr. Nakanwangi appreciated the government for the vaccines and noted that it would help save the local farmers from the cost treatment. She added that the vaccination exercise is the first step towards lifting of the quarantine in Kumi district. “Once the vaccination exercise is, testing will be that done to ensure that the disease has been defeated and if results are good, It will be lifted.” She said. Additionally, the district received 20, 0000 doses of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), 10, 000 doses of vaccines for goats and sheep and 4, 000 doses of rabies vaccine.Dr. Nakanwangi added that this was part of National activities funded by Government of Uganda and appealed to the public to avail their animals for the exercise the requested them to present their National IDs for identification and accountability.    The District Leadership Launch the Vaccination exercise at Aakum, Ongino Sub County.